Wednesday, May 14, 2008

ICNS Yearbook

Dear Fellow I.C.N.S. Families,

Hello everyone! :-) Angie Serrano and I (yearbook committee) are writing to you with an important message about our new school yearbook!

We want to inform you of a last minute decision to raise the price to $10.00.

We advertised a price of $5.00 but really, truly underestimated the cost of producing it. We talked about it a lot and went back and forth, wanting to honor the advertised price and are hoping for your understanding. We know you all signed up for a $5.00 yearbook but we are certain you'll be very pleased with the quality product you are purchasing. A printed copy is now available at the preschool if you'd like to see it before making your decision.

We are including a description of the yearbook and hopefully that will help you make your decision. We want to thank all the parents who shared their pictures with us. We truly appreciate your kindness. Due to some FABULOUS last minute additions..production is slightly behind schedule but we'll be ready to start selling starting Wednesday. We'll be at the school between 12:00 and 1:00 and again at 4:00 starting Wednesday and going until Monday. If you miss us, that's ok....we'll get you your copy! On Wednesday there may be a limited supply but we'll be fully stocked by Thursday. Read all about the yearbook:

2007-2008 I.C.N.S. Yearbook
1. It's a Power Point presentation that you can view on your computer very easily.
2. It's also a DVD. You can see the pictures on your TV with a DVD player....(you'll see all the pages but not as a Power Point).
3. The yearbook has over 50 pages with an average of at least 6 pictures per page...sometimes up to 12 pictures. The pictures begin in Summer of 2007 and go up to the Mother's Day celebration this very last week!
4. EVERY current student and most former students have their picture in the yearbook with their name underneath their picture. This is great because we didn't receive a class composite picture of all the kids at school with our school pictures this year.
5. There are pictures from all the potluck dinners we had this year.
6. There are very beautiful pages with things like the Fall Festival (beautiful costumes), the day the firetruck came, field trips, etc.
7. The yearbook can easily be printed to paper with your own computer or at a print shop like Kinko's.
8. There are indoor and outdoor candid shots showing just how engaged our kids are at preschool. You see how much they are learning and doing!
9. The yearbook pages are in chronological order so that you can see how our kids have grown throughout the year.
10. The beautiful pictures showing all the diverse personalities are saved in jpeg format.

We hope you'll understand our very last minute decision. We are really excited for you to see your yearbooks! Contact us with questions, we'd be very glad to answer them.

Yours truly,
Laura Fisher Semerad (Kaden's mom) and Angie Serrano (Hugo Hidalgo-Serrano's mom)

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