Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Additional Spring Fling Thank Yous

Hello All,
I realized yesterday that in my last e-mail I forgot to thank a few very important people. SO, on behalf of Isa and myself, thank you to the following individuals for donating hand-made items and services to our auction!

Emma Johnson- For the wonderful parent/child and child/child aprons.
Andy Estep- for the homemade "Three Billy Goats Gruff" set.
Chris Augsburger- for the adorable homemade shirts with matching handbags.
Autumn Nelson- for offering a Behind the Scenes Tour of "Lion Camp" at the Wild Animal Park.
Isa Sabey (who insisted I not list her but I can't help it!) - for the beautiful handmade quilt.

Thank You to everyone for helping to make the Spring Fling a success!

Susie Yount

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