Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Nuts and Shellfish in Shared Food
Thank you!
Stephanie Palomo Schmidt
ICNS Board President
Recommendations for the ICNS Transition
I just received a letter from Vice Chancellors Relyea and Rue regarding their acceptance of the recommendations made by the ICNS Transition Workgroup.
Many of you have expressed particular concern over whether or not UCSD's new part-time program will accommodate Tuesday/Thursday or Monday/Wednesday/Friday schedules. I am pleased to learn that the two-day and three-day options will be offered in this new program.
You should receive an invitation letter shortly. In the meantime, I will forward a copy of the letter to you via email.
Best regards,
Stephanie Palomo Schmidt
ICNS Board President
September 2008 Newsletter
A Message From the ICNS President
On behalf of the International Cooperative Nursery School Board and staff, I’d like to welcome you and your family to the 2007/2008 school year. We have many wonderful activities, themed learning experiences and get-togethers planned for the coming months. We are so thrilled to have you as part of our ICNS family.
By now you have received a letter about ICNS closing the doors at its current location in March 2009. Should you have any questions or concerns about this transition, please feel free to contact me by email at palomoschmidt@gmail.com. If you are interested in helping us find a new home for ICNS, please contact Christine Dunn (codunn@gmail.com) or Sophie Piconi (sophiepiconi@gmail.com).
Best Regards,
Stephanie Palomo Schmidt
ICNS Board President
During September our focus with the children and families begins with the various stages and feelings of separations, new routines and schedules. We move the focus to Self, Families, and Friends as the children become comfortable with the school and the teachers. In October we will learn about Community Helpers fall and the harvest.
For those of you are who are wondering about the “letters and numbers of school”, please be assured that the children work on these skills daily. When the children count their toys, friends, crackers or shovels, they are developing an understanding of each number concept and not just mastering the rote skill of counting. They will need number concepts for future math skills. When the children use play dough or build with Legos or string beads, they are exercising and developing their hand muscles- the very muscles they will need to write words. They are also strengthening their eye-hand coordination, which is also necessary for future writing. Likewise when the children paint or draw they are learning to manipulate and control various writing utensils. Reading to children is the number one motivator for children to read. Reading singing and just talking to children helps them to develop language skills and vocabulary. Both of which plays a large role in reading and reading comprehension. The next time you observe your child at play, look for the many things your child is also learning.
Finally, we will be making a letters and numbers book at school and need lots and lots of cut pictures from magazines and news papers. Thank you in advance for cutting lots of pictures and sending them to school.
Heads up—Very soon you will be receiving an invitation letter to UCSD’s new part time, multi-age program. ICNS families, including community members, will have first right of refusal to join this new program.
Parking Reminder
Please remember that ICNS parking is not permitted in the International Center lot. Please use the ten-minute loading zone when dropping off or picking up your child. If you expect to be at school longer than ten minutes, there are metered parking spots on Myers Drive, in the Gilman lot (located at Gilman and Villa La Jolla), or in the Grove parking lot (located one block South on Gilman).
If you have not signed up for escrip, please do so today, before you finish reading this newsletter. Help ICNS raise money without having to spending extra money. Register your grocery cards, debit or bank cards today. Its fast, easy and best of all, it is free for you. Each time you use your registered grocery cards, credit cards or debit cards, at participating merchants, ICNS receives cash donations from those merchants.
To sign up for escrip (Von's, Albertson's, debit or credit card etc):
log onto www.escrip.com
1- at the top blue line click on welcome-
2- on the top blue line, click on sign up
3- enter group ID = 139985679
4-click on International Cooperative Nursery School
5- enter the programs you wish to support, ICNS should already be listed
6. You can contribute to up to 3 organizations –please make ICNS one of them.
To register your Ralph's grocery card:
log onto www.Ralphs.com
1.-left side, click on Community Contributions
2. middle of page-Participants-sign up
3. agree/disagree
4. enter NPO number =81733.
5. complete remainder of forms etc .
Thank you ijn advance for your participation
In an effort to improve communication with our families, we have set up an ICNS blog. We hope to update the blog often with up-to-the-minute news, updates, pictures and funny antidotes about the children. Please bookmark http://icnsblog.blogspot.com/ and visit often.
Our Parent Coordinator, Eri Kato is planning at welcome back potluck for Friday, September 19th from 12:00-2:00. For more details, see the evite that was sent to you by email.
- Please be sure to sign your child in when you pick them up and drop them off.
- Remember to clean out your child’s cubby and file folder each day.
- Don’t forget to sign up for your coop days, weekend clean up. The sign up sheet is locate in the sign in binder located by the door.
- If you haven’t signed up for a committee by the middle of the month, a committee will be assigned to you.
September 19th – Welcome Back Potluck
October 22nd and 23rd – School Photos
November 7th- Fall Festival
November 26th – Stone Soup
November 27th & 28th – Thanksgiving Break
December 19th - Winter Celebration
December 22nd to January 2nd – Winter Break
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
ICNS Yearbook
Hello everyone! :-) Angie Serrano and I (yearbook committee) are writing to you with an important message about our new school yearbook!
We want to inform you of a last minute decision to raise the price to $10.00.
We advertised a price of $5.00 but really, truly underestimated the cost of producing it. We talked about it a lot and went back and forth, wanting to honor the advertised price and are hoping for your understanding. We know you all signed up for a $5.00 yearbook but we are certain you'll be very pleased with the quality product you are purchasing. A printed copy is now available at the preschool if you'd like to see it before making your decision.
We are including a description of the yearbook and hopefully that will help you make your decision. We want to thank all the parents who shared their pictures with us. We truly appreciate your kindness. Due to some FABULOUS last minute additions..production is slightly behind schedule but we'll be ready to start selling starting Wednesday. We'll be at the school between 12:00 and 1:00 and again at 4:00 starting Wednesday and going until Monday. If you miss us, that's ok....we'll get you your copy! On Wednesday there may be a limited supply but we'll be fully stocked by Thursday. Read all about the yearbook:
2007-2008 I.C.N.S. Yearbook
1. It's a Power Point presentation that you can view on your computer very easily.
2. It's also a DVD. You can see the pictures on your TV with a DVD player....(you'll see all the pages but not as a Power Point).
3. The yearbook has over 50 pages with an average of at least 6 pictures per page...sometimes up to 12 pictures. The pictures begin in Summer of 2007 and go up to the Mother's Day celebration this very last week!
4. EVERY current student and most former students have their picture in the yearbook with their name underneath their picture. This is great because we didn't receive a class composite picture of all the kids at school with our school pictures this year.
5. There are pictures from all the potluck dinners we had this year.
6. There are very beautiful pages with things like the Fall Festival (beautiful costumes), the day the firetruck came, field trips, etc.
7. The yearbook can easily be printed to paper with your own computer or at a print shop like Kinko's.
8. There are indoor and outdoor candid shots showing just how engaged our kids are at preschool. You see how much they are learning and doing!
9. The yearbook pages are in chronological order so that you can see how our kids have grown throughout the year.
10. The beautiful pictures showing all the diverse personalities are saved in jpeg format.
We hope you'll understand our very last minute decision. We are really excited for you to see your yearbooks! Contact us with questions, we'd be very glad to answer them.
Yours truly,
Laura Fisher Semerad (Kaden's mom) and Angie Serrano (Hugo Hidalgo-Serrano's mom)
May Date Night
Dear ICNS Families:
Sign-up for DATE NIGHT this SATURDAY from 3-7pm!!! Look for the sign-up sheet on Wednesday morning. The kids will get to play, make a craft, eat dinner, and watch a movie with popcorn! Children 18 mo. and up are welcome! Sign-up soon LIMITED SPACE...ONLY 10 spots available...See you Saturday!
Cost: $25.00 One Child
$40.00 Two Children
Thanks for you participation!!!
Isa Sabey
ICNS Vice President
Additional Spring Fling Thank Yous
I realized yesterday that in my last e-mail I forgot to thank a few very important people. SO, on behalf of Isa and myself, thank you to the following individuals for donating hand-made items and services to our auction!
Emma Johnson- For the wonderful parent/child and child/child aprons.
Andy Estep- for the homemade "Three Billy Goats Gruff" set.
Chris Augsburger- for the adorable homemade shirts with matching handbags.
Autumn Nelson- for offering a Behind the Scenes Tour of "Lion Camp" at the Wild Animal Park.
Isa Sabey (who insisted I not list her but I can't help it!) - for the beautiful handmade quilt.
Thank You to everyone for helping to make the Spring Fling a success!
Susie Yount
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Mandatory Parent Meeting Reminder
- There will be a s a $50.00 fine assessed for any family not represented at the meeting, so please make every effort to attend.
- Remember that only 1 parent in the family needs to attend the meeting. We prefer to have your presence and voice instead of your money.
- Even if you will not be here next school year, you are vital and very necessary to our continued operation.
- We must approve next years budget and vote on the Board of Directors for next school year and address any other necessary school business.
- Child Care will be available, but we will also need some help form the parents depending upon how many children attend.