Friday, March 28, 2008

Summer and Fall Registration

Registration Announcement
Registration for summer and/or Fall classes will begin Thursday, April 3, 2008 for families currently enrolled in ICNS. Enrollment will open to families outside of ICNS on Thursday, April 17. 2008

April 3, 2008 Private enrollment only for families currently enrolled in ICNS.

April 17, 2008 Open enrollment for all families; enrollment will be on a first-come, first-served basis until all classes are full.

May 30, 2008 School year ends. Our current school year will end on Friday May 30, 2008 and we will begin a summer program on Monday, June 2, 2008- Friday, August 22, 2008 .

June 2, 2008 Summer sessions begin. The summer will offer 4 separate sessions with each lasting for 3 weeks. You may register for 1, or more summer sessions OR You may register for September classes only, OR you may register for summer and fall classes. Summer dates are listed below.

Session I June 2 – June 20 Session II June 23- July 11:

Session III July 14 – August 1 Session IV August 4-August 22

Sept. 2, 2008 Fall classes begin

If you want your child to continue attending ICNS during the summer and / or in September, please complete a registration form accordingly and, submit it to ICNS with the appropriate registration fees. Registration fees are non refundable.

Open House: April 3rd

The International Cooperative Nursery School, is hosting an Open House on Thursday, April 3, 2008 at 9:30 a.m. and again at 1:30 p.m.. We invite new and interested families to come observe the program in action, learn about our philosophy, meet the teachers, and Board Members and decide if this is the right place for your child.

We want to give new and interested families an opportunity to "check us out" before we begin summer and fall registration on April 17, 2008. Feel free to bring your child with you to the Open House so you can see just how your child might interact in our program.

Parking is not available in the ICNS parking lot. For other parking options at UCSD please visit,1162,16122,00.html .
RSVP, your intentions to attend the Open House to Connie Justice at or at 858-455-9310. Include your preferred time of 9:30 a.m. or 1:30 p.m. in your RSVP. If you are unable to attend the April Open House, let me know and I will notify you of future Open House dates. I look forward to meeting you at the Open House


Connie S. Justice, Director
International Cooperative Nursery School

Committee Log

Hello ICNS families!

I hope you are all enjoying a happy and safe spring break. This is just a friendly reminder about your ICNS committee responsibilities and the $20 fine that will be assessed if you do not fulfill these responsibilities. I will be taking down the March Committee Log In at the end of the day on Monday March 31st and anyone who does not have an entry recorded on this chart will be assessed a fine of $20.

That being said, I realize that since we only have one day left in March once we come back from the break, some of you may not have the opportunity to fill in what your contributions have been before the deadline, particularly those of you who attend on Tuesdays and Thursdays or later on in the week. Since March has been cut short for spring break, for this month only I will accept emailed reports of your committee contributions. You may email me at up until Monday March 31st, midnight.

Thank you to each of you who have contributed to your committees this month and recorded something on the Log In. We have a wonderful school and our children are benefiting from all the great work you do!

Leslie Sorensen, ICNS Recording Secretary

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Introducing our brand new committee -- The Date Night Committee! ICNS Date Nights are a great fundraiser for our school! Members of the Date Night Committee will help the teacher assistants watch children at the school while parents go out on a date. Having parents serve on this committee will allow for more children to be accommodated on Date Nights, therefore earning more money for our school and giving more parents the opportunity to go out. The plan is to hold Date Nights about once per month.

All committee openings are listed below. If you are interested in serving on any of these committees, please let me know. If you are new to the school and have not yet signed up for a committee, you must do so in order to avoid the newly instituted $20/month fine!

  • Gardening Committee
  • Animal Care Committee (this basically means the fish!)
  • Laundry Committee (Mondays)
  • Date Night Committee
Leslie Sorensen
Recording Secretary


Hello ICNS parents! It's time for another committee update. First of all, thank you so much to each family who has been contributing to their committee and writing down what they did on the Committee Log-In chart, located by the sign in sheets. We really appreciate all you do to help our school run efficiently. Unfortunately, not everyone is doing their committee work. This is a real problem. We are a parent co-operative and therefore dependent upon the work that each of the parents contribute. When parents fail to fulfill committee responsibilities it means that essential tasks are left undone and that other parents, teachers or the director must step in and take over their work.

In an effort to ensure that each family is fulfilling their obligation to complete 3 hours of committee work per month (as stated in the contract each family signed upon enrollment at the school), the Board of Directors voted to establish a fine that must be paid by each family that has not fulfilled their committee obligations for the month. The best way to track if families are contributing to their committees is by what you write down on the Committee Log In. Beginning March 1st I will check the log in at the end of each month, and if there is no entry next to your name, a fine will be assessed. Please log in your committee contributions on this chart to avoid a fine. It was determined that a fine of $20 will be assessed for each month if committee responsibilities are not fulfilled. I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the Board has determined that this is necessary in order for our school to run as efficiently as possible and to ensure that each of our parents are contributing. Think of the positive environment we will be creating for our children if each parent steps up to fulfill their committee assignments! Thank you so much for your help in this and I sincerely hope that no one incurs this fine!

  • Complete your committee work each week/month
  • Record your completed work on the Committee Log In sheet
  • Ask questions if you are unsure of your committee responsibilities
  • Pay a fine if you fail to complete your committee responsibilities
Leslie Sorensen
Recording Secretary