Friday, September 28, 2007

Today at ICNS

I had the opportunity to drop into ICNS today to take a few pictures and I wanted to share what I saw.

Friends swinging together on the tire swing:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Friends offering rides:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Miss Michelle offering comfort:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

A student creating a masterpiece with sand:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Children cooking up something delicious!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Ava and Adrian brightening my day with their smiles:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

-Stephanie Palomo Schmidt

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Committee Openings and Log-In

Hello ICNS Families! I just wanted to let you know the latest information on our Committees as the school year is now in full swing. First of all, thank you to so many of you who have been so willing to sign up for committees and contribute to ICNS in very meaningful ways. Thank you also to the several families who were flexible in their committee assignments and were willing to fill a committee that was perhaps not their first choice, as the needs were greater elsewhere. I think it has definitely contributed to a very smooth start to our school year and the overall positive feeling at the school, which so many have commented on. We really have a great group!

There are still a handful of families who need to sign up for committees, and here is a list of the openings we still have:

Art Filing & Library -- someone to cover Tuesdays
Computer Support
Disaster Preparedness
Newsletter Writer/News Editor
Office Assistant -- 2 openings
Laundry - Thursdays
Social -- we could probably use another 1 or 2 people to help out with this committee

Lastly, I wanted to let you know about the Committee Log-In that you may remember my having talked about at the Parent Orientation in August. I will be posting it on the table next to the sign-in book and co-op sign ups, as I can find room. Please take a minute to jot down what your contribution to your committee has been this month. This will be very helpful for ICNS to demonstrate to UCSD how central parent participation is to our program and it’s also a great way to help nurture our sense of community as we see what each family has been able to contribute to our school.

Thank you so much for all that you do. Please feel free to contact me at with any questions.

Leslie Sorensen
Parent Coordinator

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Who Are All The Adults In The Classroom

There always seems to be a lot of adults in the ICNS classroom. Sometimes it’s difficult to tell who is working, who is co-oping, who is volunteering, and who is visiting. On most days the adults in the classroom consists of:

” Three(3)teachers who may include Ms. Sylvia, Ms. Michelle, Ms. Rosalia, Ms. Baily, Ms. Caroline, and hopefully soon to include Ms. Vera. (the teachers work various days and hours, and Ms. Sylvia is always here) and;

” Two(2)Co-op parents, and;

” Three students from the Preuss School who, as part of their senior class requirements, are performing community service work at ICNS on Monday and Wednesday afternoon 1:00-2:00, and again on Friday mornings 8:30-9:30 and/or;

” Two (2) students form the University of Pheonix are performing field experience requirements for work in Human Services or Education and/or;

” Two (2) students from a a local community collegee performing their work practicum at a child care facility, and/or;

” Various parents who stay to be a part of their child’s day at ICNS and;

” Visitors observing ICNS program on Wednesday or Thursday.

The next time you stay in the classroom for any reason, please be sure to make yourself a name tag that identifies you by name and capacity (teacher, volunteer, parent coop, etc.) Thank you in advance for identifying yourself.

Connie Justice, Director

September Newsletter!

Note: A copy of this newsletter was placed in each students file at school.

On behalf of the International Cooperative Nursery School Board and staff, I’d like to welcome you and your family to the 2007/2008 school year. We have many wonderful activities, themed learning experiences and get-togethers planned for the coming months. We are so thrilled to have you as part of our ICNS family.

My name is Stephanie Palomo Schmidt and I am the new president of the ICNS board. I joined the board a few weeks ago after enjoying a wonderful year as a first time ICNS mom. I am the mother of three-year-old Nathan and future ICNS student, thirteen-month-old Mattias. My husband and I are UCSD alumni and I come to the ICNS board with a multiple subject teaching credential. Creating meaningful social and educational experiences for our children is one of our highest priorities and we have found that ICNS helps fulfill that goal.


During September our focus with the children and families begins with the various stages and feelings of separations, new routines and schedules. We move the focus to Self, Families, and Friends as the children become comfortable with the school and the teachers. In October we will learn about Community Helpers fall and the harvest.

For those of you are who are wondering about the “letters and numbers of school”, please be assured that the children work on these skills daily. When the children count their toys, friends, crackers or shovels, they are developing an understanding of each number concept and not just mastering the rote skill of counting. They will need number concepts for future math skills. When the children use play dough or build with Legos or string beads, they are exercising and developing their hand muscles- the very muscles they will need to write words. They are also strengthening their eye-hand coordination, which is also necessary for future writing. Likewise when the children paint or draw they are learning to manipulate and control various writing utensils. Reading to children is the number one motivator for children to read. Reading singing and just talking to children helps them to develop language skills and vocabulary. Both of which plays a large role in reading and reading comprehension. The next time you observe your child at play, look for the many things your child is also learning.

Finally, we will be making a letters and numbers book at school and need lots and lots of cut pictures from magazines and news papers. Thank you in advance for cutting lots of pictures and sending them to school.


The International Center, where ICNS is located, is in desperate need of space and is unable to expand the existing buildings. Therefore, they have asked ICNS to move within the next few months. The ICNS board is taking the relocation very seriously and we are working closely with the university to find a suitable new home for our school. Other than the well being and safety of our children, the relocation is our top priority.

In the coming weeks and months, we may be calling on our parents to help us in any way you can to ensure the best possible outcome for ICSN. This may include a letter-writing campaign or attending special meetings.

In a letter drafted to Connie and me last week, the Friends of the International Center wanted to make it clear that in no way do they intend to harass or frighten the ICSN families or staff. Thank you for your patience on this matter. We are confident that we will find a new location soon and we will do our best to make the transition as smooth as possible for our families.


If you have not signed up for escrip, please do so today, before you finish reading this newsletter. Help ICNS raise money without having to spending extra money. Register your grocery cards, debit or bank cards today. Its fast, easy and best of all, it is free for you. Each time you use your registered grocery cards, credit cards or debit cards, at participating merchants, ICNS receives cash donations from those merchants.

To sign up for escrip (Von's, Albertson's, debit or credit card etc):

log onto

1- at the top blue line click on welcome-

2- on the top blue line, click on sign up

3- enter group ID = 139985679

4-click on International Cooperative Nursery School

5- enter the programs you wish to support, ICNS should already be listed

6. You can contribute to up to 3 organizations –please make ICNS one of them.

To register your Ralph's grocery card:

log onto

1.-left side, click on Community Contributions

2. middle of page-Participants-sign up

3. agree/disagree

4. enter NPO number =81733.

5. complete remainder of forms etc .

Thank you ijn advance for your participation


Sadly, our board treasurer will be relocating at the end of the month and we are in need of a replacement. If you have a background or interest in finance and accounting and you would like to join a great group of parents in making a difference at ICSN, please contact Connie or myself.


In an effort to improve communication with our families, we have set up an ICNS blog. We hope to update the blog often with up-to-the-minute news, updates on our relocation efforts, pictures and funny antidotes about the children. Please bookmark and visit often.


Thank you to all of the families that participated in the welcome potluck last Friday. We had a packed house and everyone enjoyed a delicious array of food. I’d especially like to thank Susan Yount, our Parent Coordinator, for throwing such a fun event. If you haven’t already done so, please share your potluck recipe with Susan.


Tuesday, October 9, Dream Dinner - more information to come from our Vice President, Isa Sabey

Friday, October 26th 4:30-7:30 October fest

-Stephanie Palomo Schmidt

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Dream Dinners Fundraiser

We are happy to host an exciting and delicious fundraiser for our ICNS families. Helping our busy families get dinner on the table in a quick and healthy way!

Dream Dinners provides everything you need to assemble delicious dinners for serving your family in the weeks ahead. They help families eat together more often, and now they help us raise dollars for our fundraiser.

It is just this simple:

1. Visit

2.Register for you session: Tuesday October 9th at 7pm (private party code: ICNS)

3. Select your dinners from the monthly menu

4. Arrive and asseble your Dream Dinners

5. Upon Arrival mention this fundraiser!

***October 2007 Menu***
  • body+soul Moroccan Chicken With Pumpkin
  • Herb Crusted Flank Steak
  • Chicken Mirabella
  • Italian Stuffed Shells
  • Peanut Crusted Fish Fillet
  • Pork Chops With Sweet Ginger & Apples
  • Chicken Enchiladas
  • Shrimp And Sausage Jambalaya
  • Chicken With Honey, Garlic and Orange
  • Mexican Meatballs
  • Coconut Chicken
  • Pulled BBQ Pork With French Rolls
  • Apple Crisp

*Dream Dinners is located in Solana Beach at 230 Lomas Santa Fe. Dr. (12 minutes from ICNS)

*If you are interested in taking a "sneak peak" you may attend one of the sessions on Monday, September 24th at 9am, 10am, 11am, and 7pm OR Tuesday, September 25th at 5:30pm. This is an opportunity to attend a session and make a meal for FREE. Try it out to see if you are interested! Don't forget to tell them that you are there from ICNS!

I have been using Dream Dinners for a year and it has helped my family save money and time. It is fun, fast, and so simple. I can anwser any questions you might have concerning this great service. Any questions?

Please email Isa Sabey at

Thank You,
Isa Sabey
ICNS Vice President

Monday, September 17, 2007

Welcome to the ICNS Blog

In an effort to maintain up-to-date communication with our families, ICNS has entered the world of blogging!

We hope to update this blog often with the latest information about our school, pictures and antidotes about the school day, and reminders of upcoming events.

Please bookmark this blog or subscribe to the RSS feed. You will be hearing from us again very soon!